How to Set up Your Work From Home Office on a Budget

When I first started online classes and working from home anywhere that my laptop was was my “work from home space” after doing that for over a month I quickly realized that I needed a space that I could dedicate to working so I could have some more separation in my life. 


The kicker for me was I didn’t want to dish out a lot of money to create an elaborate work from home space because I didn’t know how long I would need it. Suffice to say I needed it way longer than expected (thanks COVID) but the workstation that I created for myself has actually held up quite nicely.

The key that I found to create the ideal work from home space is to focus on functionality and simplicity. Unless you have a very tech-based job you can get away with just a desk, chair, computer, and small stationery items to take notes with. 

Here’s how I was able to create an optimized work from home space for just $100

Choose your desk location carefully

Working from home means being on a lot of virtual Zoom calls, which means you don’t just have to think about sticking your workspace in just any old corner, but you also need to think about the background and the lighting. 

When I first started creating my space I put my desk in a corner where the light was coming from behind me and I found that it made my lighting super janky when I had meetings.

I quickly had to pivot and rearrange my whole bedroom so that I could pick a space where the light was coming towards my desk.

Making functional decisions like this could make or break your space because so much of what we do now will be digital so it’s of the utmost importance that your virtual backdrop has good lighting and a clear professional background. This can sometimes mean having to rearrange your space to find the perfect fit but its definitely worth it. 

Get a comfy chair with armrest 

Walmart Desk Chair- $48

Get a comfy chair is absolutely necessary.

Imagine how many hours you’re gonna spend sitting, it is not worth the backache and soreness to get a cheap janky chair.

You don’t have to dish out hundreds to get a nice chair. When I was looking around I was able to find chairs at places like Wayfair and IKEA for around $50.

If you wanted something that was even more inexpensive you could have settle for a regular chair and fill it with pillows for more back support. All that matters is that you need a chair that is comfortable to sit in for long periods of time. 

Leave your desk relatively clear  

Ikea Table- $38

This tip is for all my book and stationery lovers out there who love to have piles of books, pens, journals, and just about everything else on their desks.

While this can be nice to look at, it is not functional when you’re trying to work in the same spot. You need the desk space for the things that you reach for the most and everything else has got to go. You can find storage space for any extra stationery elsewhere but your desk should be unobstructed.

If you need to find an inexpensive desk I got a plain desk from IKEA and I love it! While it doesn’t have storage, its perfect because its large enough to get work done but small enough to fit in most space. I’ve also seen an inexpensive desk on Amazon but I wasn’t sure of the quality. 

Get a whiteboard or paper calendar 

While you can get away with having very few stationary on your desk I would recommend keeping some sort of physical reminder system. For me I use a whiteboard hung up next to my desk to write reminders and to-dos for the week but I’ve also seen people use paper calendars that you can get in any stationery aisle and write upcoming events on there. 

The point is to have a physical reminder of the most important tasks and meeting somewhere you can see it at all times without having to even open your computer.

While I don’t use a planner system anymore since I’ve switched completely to google calendar it’s still helpful to write the most important things down so you can remember. 

Get a simple stationary organization system 


For whatever storage system you choose youll need to keep it organize and you can do this for just a few bucks. Simple systems like acrylic cases, a tabletop filing system, or even glass jars for markers and pens are just some of the few ways you can keep your desk organized. 

My favorite places to get a cheap desk organization is Walmart and the dollar store and even your local thrift store for things like glass jars and storage cubes.

If you want something that’s more modern but still relatively inexpensive Target has great stationery and organization.

Decorate with things that make you happy

Lastly, your work from home space will get boring at times, and regardless of how functional you make it, you won’t always want to be productive.

The key to topping off any good work from home space is to have something to motivate you or to remind you of other aspects of your life. Things like framed pictures of your family and friends and can brighten up your space when you’re feeling unmotivated. 

If you want to go a step further you could also create a vision board of all your short term goals so you know what you’re working for. These can be simple and cheap ways that you bring some life and personality in your space to keep you going when you feel unmotivated. 

…So that was how to create a work from home space for under $100! If you’re like a lot of people getting used to this new normal just know that is possible to create a workspace that you love and where you can be productive without breaking the bank!

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