
I started college with stars in my eyes and alot of big plans. I joined just about every club, attended every function and did everything that I’ve read that you had to do in college. Yet I had nothing to show for it. By the end of my freshman year I looked back to see what I’d accomplished and it was so miniscule in comparison to the time I spent. That is when I decided to do a gut check, why was I doing all those things? I realize that all the college blogs I read told me what worked for everyone but they didnt give me the tools to figure out what worked for me. I decided that I wanted to my track the steps I took to my accomplishment so that I could give my readers the formula for their success even if it doesn’t look like mine.

Bonjour! My freshman year was all about exploration. I went to parties, met a bunch of new people, tried classes I never thought I would, became friends with people I had nothing in common with and much more. As a grade A introvert I pushed myself to get out of my comfort zone and guess what? It SUCKED. My freshman year was undoublty one of the most trying times in my life, but also it was kind of amazing! I’m here to tell you that the happy-go-lucky meeting-your-future-bridesmaids at college stereotype is complete BS. College won’t and shouldnt be the best time in your life but it should be memorable. Whether its making friends or living in a new country for a few months making the most of college takes effort but lucky for you I wrote all about so you can prepare.

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Living with a stranger is no joke and it can be a whole new experience to be living with new people and living away from home for the first time. When you first get to college it can feel like you’re living in a strange place but overtime it becomes your own. Whether it is building a relationship with your roommate, decorating your room or naviagating a communal bathroom sitaution, I’ve been there and seen that. College living comes with bumps in the road (its all apart of the fun) but there are also ways that you can avoid some of that discomfort. I‘ve had two roomates that I’m still close with to this day, my dorm was my safe haven and I was able to get a handle on communal bathroom so that I could still do my routine. I wrote all about it.
